John Jarrold Trust supports NUA Undergraduate Scholarship

John Jarrold Trust Scholarship 2014/15 Awarded for First Time

An undergraduate scholarship sponsored by the John Jarrold Trust, has been awarded for the first time. George Gray, Year 1 BA Illustration, received the scholarship on the strength of his portfolio and enthusiasm for his subject at his interview. George will receive £1,000 each year of his three-year course paid as a mixture of cash and credit paid into a Papercut account. The John Jarrold Trust will offer a second scholarship for 2015/16 entry to coincide with NUA’s 170th anniversary year, also worth £3,000 to a new student starting their course at NUA in September 2015.

Norwich University of the Arts received the funding from The John Jarrold Trust to sponsor a new scholarship. The scholarship will be awarded to a student starting an undergraduate programme at NUA at the beginning of the 2015/2016 academic year to coincide with NUA’s 170th anniversary year.The recipient will receive £1,000 each academic year for a maximum of three years. The scholarship will be split between £800 cash and £200 paid into a Papercut account which can be used throughout the University to buy materials, printing and in the University Shop. The scholarships will be awarded to students who originate from Norfolk and meet the qualifying criteria as outlined below, enrolling on to one of the following courses:


  • BA (Hons) Design for Publishing
  • BA (Hons) Graphic Communication
  • BA (Hons) Graphic Design
  • BA (Hons) Illustration

Students will be considered for the scholarship if they meet the criteria outlined below. A selection panel will meet after all interviews have been conducted and will choose a recipient based on merit on the student’s performance at their interview and on their portfolio of work.


To be eligible for the scholarship, students must meet the following criteria:


  • 1. Originates from and resides in Norfolk at the time of their application
  • 2. Are eligible for full or partial Maintenance Grant as assessed independently by the UK Government
  • 3. Accepts a firm offer from NUA after the interview stage

If you have any queries relating to the scholarship, please contact Caroline Bailey


For further information on the scholarship click here