Jarrolds Growth Fund

As part of our ongoing commitment to nurturing Norfolk’s business community, we are delighted to announce the launch of the Jarrolds Growth Fund. A pot of £100,000 will be released every year to Norfolk businesses looking to propel their growth. To further support those businesses in meeting their growth ambitions, we will provide access to specialist expertise both from within Jarrolds and from our associates.

Applications are open now and you can apply by completing this form by 31 March. We will then review all applications and invite shortlisted businesses for an interview in April. Once we have decided on the recipients of the fund, we will get the paperwork drawn up and funds released.


Who can apply?
Any Norfolk-based SME.

What are the selection criteria?
To get to a shortlist we will review all applications paying particular attention to the opportunity for the business to grow, and the role that additional funding and support from Jarrolds could play in this.

Who makes the decision?
Jarrolds CEO – Nick Steven-Jones

What kind of advice/guidance is included?
This will be determined by the needs of the business but could include:

  • Support from one of our associates who is skilled in providing guidance to early-stage businesses to work through any strategic challenges and make sure their business plan is in great shape.
  • Thereafter, access to Jarrolds’ senior leadership team who have expertise in a variety of disciplines, who will be on hand to provide mentoring.